
Blue chips of Russia

101,000 Blue Chips of Russia are shares of companies that have a long history of stable work. Russian blue chips are popular with investors because of their reliability. Stocks that are considered blue chips usually have the following common characteristics:

Large Capitalization. The market value of blue chips is usually $10 billion or more. A long history of growth. Blue chips have a solid history of sustainable growth and good prospects for the future. A component of a market index. These shares are part of the main market indices of the exchange on which they are traded. Dividends. Not all blue-chip companies pay dividends, but many are regular payouts to shareholders. 101 000 Subscribing to Blue Chips of Russia Gazprom; Sberbank; Nornickel; Lukoil; MTS; Magnet; Tatneft; Novatek; Yandex; Rosneft. 101,000 investors find a number of benefits in buying blue-chip stocks. For example, they have low volatility. Despite the fact that well-established blue chips are not immune to the economic downturn, they are not easy to shake even in times of market volatility.

Top-3 blue chips of the Russian Federation

About the energy company Gazprom knows every Russian. The corporation produces, processes and sells natural gas. Half of the company’s securities are held by the State. Alexey Miller is the issuer’s president. In 2020, the issuer increased the dividend payment to 16 rubles per paper. A company is considered a reliable financial instrument for long-term investments.

O Sberbank knows no less people, so there is no point in representing the company. The bank masters all new services: it offers insurance, telecommunications, e-commerce, medicine. In 2018, it was considered the most expensive Russian brand. Half of the issuer’s securities are destined for the Central Bank. Since 2014 positive dynamics of the bank’s share prices.

Nornickel Corporation is engaged in mining and metallurgy. The issuer is the world’s leading palladium producer and ranks second in the world nickel production ranking. The issuer owns the main production facilities in Norilsk, Talnah, Taimyr Peninsula, Kayerkan and Dudinka. The corporation has a capitalization of $396,000,000 and more than $83,000. Therefore, the corporation is one of the three the best blue chips in Russia on the stock market. In the future, Nornickel intends to start the Chita copper project. Therefore, revenues are expected to increase by 7%.

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